
Category: Designing with Natives

PHS Award-Winning Residential Rain Garden
Designing with Natives

Surviving the Rain Garden

Surviving the Rain Garden The rain garden concept for dealing with storm water is simple, but surviving the rain garden remains elusive.  Read about our

Designing with Natives

Growing Backyard Blueberries

Growing Backyard Blueberries Tired of buying over-priced, tasteless blueberries from Florida and Mexico. The secret to growing amazing blueberries at home lies in soil preparation

2016 ArcheWild - Residential bioswale
Designing with Natives

Anatomy of an Affordable Residential Bioswale Project

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Typha_angustifolia (Narrow Leaved Cattail)
Designing with Natives

Cattail Use in the Landscape

Cattail Use in the Landscape Introduction Historically, the cattail was viewed and used as an everyday source of food and construction materials.  During the last