
Category: Species Spotlight

American chestnut
Species Spotlight

Castanea dentata habitat

Castanea dentata habitat Is your property, or one that you manage, able to support a thriving Castanea dentata (American chestnut) habitat? Castanea dentata is native

Species Spotlight

Now Available from ArcheWild: American Chestnuts

American Chestnuts from ArcheWild ArcheWild is now releasing blight-resistant American chestnut trees to land managers, nurseries, parks, and committed homeowners.  Our chestnuts are the progeny

ArcheWild 2015 - White Black Red oak identification
Species Spotlight

White Black Red Oak Acorn Identification

White Black Red Oak Acorn Identification Here is a quickie field identification guide for three common dry soil and ridge top oak species (White, Black, and