ArcheWild serves federal and state agencies, conservancies, forests and farms up to 500 acres, and large landowners thoughout the Mid-Atlantic with a full range of restoration services. We deliver ecological and economic effectiveness by helping landowners develop holistic and realistic restoration and management plans for their properties.
Municipalities, conservancies, and state/federal agencies trust ArcheWild to manage their large riparian forest buffer projects.
Complete project management, clearing and invasive control, species selection, sourcing and planting, and long-term monitoring and maintenance.
ArcheWild is one of the few remaining professional reforestation contractors on the East Coast. Our experienced crews travel and can tackle projects up to 500 acres.
Our ecologists guide species selection, siting, and clustering to deliver more authentic and durable results.
Don’t get fooled! Building quality meadows is the most challenging of all restoration projects.
Success factors including zone mapping, precise species selection, and excellent site preparation.
Internet-sourced, pre-designed seed mixes are a recipe for disaster. Use our CRP-qualified experts to design your meadow project.
ArcheWild is licensed in all mid-Atlantic states for applying herbicides in forests, meadows, riparian areas, rights-of-way, schools, nurseries, and residential areas.
Our ecologists direct every invasive control program to protect existing desirable vegetation.
We have long argued to let the engineers do the engineering and then let ArcheWild do the plants.
Our communities deserve more attractive GSI. Properly choosing species and a planting design for GSI requires an ecology degree.
Call us anytime to discuss restoring your GSI to a properly-functioning mini-ecosystem.
ArcheWild is leading the way towards rewilding our communities. We combine meadow building, riparian buffers, and upland forests into a cohesive landscape restoration plan to replace both lawn and pasture of any size.
For residential Lawn to Habitat conversions, visit our pre-qualified DCNR partner, WildLawn®.
Quality planting is just as important as quality plants. Our planting teams are led by ecologists who oversee the work.
The ArcheWild ecologist’s golden rule is “the right plants in the right place.”
ArcheWild ecologists are valued for their unbiased insights. A site assessment reveals the fundamental truths, and the opportunities, each site holds.
The site report is a valuable tool for planning a restoration program.
Species selection is the make-it-or-break-it decision point for every project.
Achieve success by working with one of our ecologists to choose the correct species for your next project.
ArcheWild is well-known for its extensive species-location research library and can expand seed availability through our network of founder plots.
Learn more about capabilities and approach on our SeedSource page.
Please contact us and tell us about your needs.