Authentic Ecological Restoration

Your restoration partner every step of the way.

ArcheWild serves federal and state agencies, conservancies, farms up to 500 acres, and large landowners thoughout the Mid-Atlantic with a full range of restoration services. We deliver ecological and economic effectiveness by helping landowners develop holistic and realistic restoration and management plans for their properties.


Site Assessment & Planning

Our field ecologists assess sites and create management plans informed by data and experience.

Restoration Implementation

We restore degraded land to a high-functioning state, often using plants and genetics available nowhere else. Our experienced team has restored miles of streams and thousands of acres of forests and meadows from West Virginia to Connecticut.

Conservation and Management

We help protect and preserve our important, unique botanical heritage and our most sensitive natural ecosystems.

ArcheWild team member conserving native plant seeds for propagation

How can we help?

Please contact us and tell us about your needs.