Riparian Forest Buffers

Riparian forest buffers provide real water quality and wildlife benefits if designed and constructed properly. Leverage our restoration capabilities to recreate beautiful, functional, durable buffers.

Explore and document the unique soil composition, hydrologic profile, and existing vegetation of each riparian buffer. 

Use our models to choose an optimal set of species attuned to the site. Decide shrub/tree composition and species proportions.

Decide the most effective plant forms for the project. Choose an ideal mix of live stakes, bare root, Containerless™, restoration gallons, or air-pruned plants.

Ecologists perform meticulous layouts to optimize long-term survival and natural aesthetics. Our planters achieve 95% establishment success. 

ArcheWild is Pennsylvania’s premier riparian forest buffer contractor. One phone call mobilizes our team to walk you through the entire process to get the job done right.

Our project and nursery teams collaborate to deliver outstanding designs and high-quality yet affordable native plants for successful results.

Ecologists design the planting, choosing the correct species and performing the layout.

Our nursery grows the plants in multiple forms including our “containerless” process. We can plant hundreds of trees and shrubs – grown in-house, caged and staked – with a three-acre seeded meadow, in just a few days.

Riparian Buffer Portfolio

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Frozen Camp WMA Buffer

Three miles of reconstructed stream doubles as woodcock and game bird habitat. ArcheWild ecologists worked with the project sponsor to choose optimal species, sizes, and forms.

ArcheWild staff collected local ecotype seed and grew the necessary species under contract.

Our professional planting team relocated to West Virginia during spring and fall and tapped local residents to play support roles such as transportation and staging.

An onsite ecologist directed the entire planting, placing species in their optimal locations for authentic habitat creation and species survival.

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French Creek Riparian Buffer

French Creek is an exceptional quality (EQ1) stream in southeastern Pennsylvania. ArcheWild was awarded the project after a competitive bidding process under the C2P2 grant program.

Extensive invasive control and streambank protection along a 1/2 mile section preceded building the shrub buffer. Custom-grown shrubs and trees.

The project concludes with a 5-acre riparian meadow.

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Morgan Creek Riparian Buffer

The work done at Morgan Creek headwaters to reshape and fill the deeply cut channel for smooth sheet flow is crucial for preventing erosion and improving water quality.

ArcheWild’s use of specialty containerless native species is a great approach to quickly stabilize the soil and create a thriving habitat for birds.

The conservation-grade species will not only enhance the local ecosystem but also provide valuable seeds for future nursery projects.

ArcheWild mobilized a large planting team to complete the project in just a few days.

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Peppermint Park Riparian Buffer

This catchment basin was designed to capture surface flows from an 80-acre parcel and parking lot before it emptied into Cooks Creek, an EQ1 stream.

See how the 1/2-acre site transforms from a patch of dirt into a dense native shrub thicket with native forb adjuncts.

Good species selection was the key to this buffer’s success.

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Natural Riparian Buffers

ArcheWild’s authentic approach to building riparian buffers is modelled on how nature works.

Large, dense thickets of site-appropriate shrubs with a few scattered trees to act as a seed source for a future forest.

Most active riparian areas’ terminal community type is either a shrubland or riverine meadow. Inundation, scour, beavers, and other factors limit the growth of trees.

Where the riparian zone is not active, more trees can be used.