Site Evaluations and Reports
Start your landscape restoration project the right way, with an insightful and relevant site evaluation and report by ArcheWild.
Site Evaluations
A site evaluation starts with a conversation about the history of the property and your role in it. We explore your goals for the property and how you chose those goals. We discuss what actions you have previously taken and what you would do next, if you could.
A walk-through continues the discussion as you show us different parts of your land during which your ecologist catalogues the observable ecological zones. Soil samples corroborate observations and might be taken for further analysis. A baseline vegetation analysis is performed, both any defining native species and significant invasive populations.
Water movements through the property are investigated along with active erosion areas, perennially moist areas, and those that seem unusually dry.
GPS-tagged photos help to geolocate important features and to craft a visual story about your property.
At the end of the site visit our ecologist will share some findings and insights with you orally, so that you can begin to view your land through their eyes.
A follow-up email summarizes key points of the discussions, the major ecological zones, and a recommendation or two about the next most logical steps you take towards your goals.

Ecological Site Reports
An optional paid service is the ecological site report that builds on the site evaluation and can include several additional elements many clients find essential, which include:
- Program and project planning to advance your goals,
- Ecological zone maps and approximate acreage,
- Representative plant communities appropriate for each zone,
- Insights, recommendations, and task lists for controlling invasive species,
- Project support (remote),
- Project budgeting,
- Project management. and
- Permitting.
Build Authenticity into Your Restoration Plan
Get started on your landscape transformation.
Site Visit
Site visits take about 4 hours. Schedule anytime.
- Site visit up to 4 hours
- Site walk-through
- Ecological Zone identification
- Initial botanical survey
Visit + Site Report
Includes everything you need to know to make smart decisions.
- Transformation plan
- Botanical survey report
- Invasive species assessment
- Recommended next steps
Visit + Advanced Site Report
A prescriptive action plan for immediate implementation.
- Quarterly action plan
- Invasive species management plan
- Planting recommendations
- Remote project support