Hedgerow Garden

Hedgerows typically define property boundaries and are the solution to difficult mowing or maintenance locations.  Left alone, weedy and non-native plants such as multi-flora rose, Tartarian honeysuckle, and Russian olive invade those sites and become long-term nuisances.

Hedgerow remediation is important for several reasons.  Chief among them is that hedgerows act as natural conduits for birds, mammals, and amphibians to safely move from one area to another.  Hedgerows provide an important buffer zone for streams and ridges, helping to prevent soil erosion.  Hedgerows also provide food and nesting locations.

2012-ArcheWild-natural mature hedgerow
2012-ArcheWild-natural mature hedgerow

Hedgerow remediation involves replacement of undesirable shrubs and grasses with native, high-wildlife-value fruit-bearing specimens such as Pin Cherry, Gray Dogwood, Nannyberry, Pricklyash, Eastern Red Cedar, Swamp Rose, Pawpaw, and American Holly.


Start creating a Hedgerow by planting a strip of new trees and shrubs.



Recommended Plants

Herbaceous Shrubs Trees
Ageratina altissima Calicarpa americana Amelanchier laevis
Anemone canadensis Ceanothus americanus Cercis canadensis
Anemone virginiana Cornus racemosa Euonymus atropurpureus
Aruncus dioicus Sambucus nigra Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Asclepias incarnata Symphoricarp. orbiculatus Ilex opaca
Asplenium platyneuron Viburnum lentago Prunus pennsylvanica
Camassia scilloides Zanthoxylum americanum
Caulophyllum thalictroides
Clematis virginiana
Dichanthelium acuminatum
Elymus hystrix
Eupatoriadelphus maculatus
Eurybia divaricata
Geranium maculatum
Geranium maculatum ‘Red’
Gillenia stipulata
Helianthus divaricatus
Maianthemum racemosum
Oligoneuron rigidum
Penstemon hirsutus
Phlox paniculata
Polygonatum commutatum
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Solidago caesia
Sorghastrum nutans
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Triosteum aurantiacum
Waldsteinia fragarioides