PL200 Native Plant Starter Plugs

ArcheWild PL200 plug trays contain 200 deep plugs, .88″ diameter and 1.75″ deep with a total volume of 1.29 cubic inches.  Though they are our smallest size, they are versatile and affordable.  

Pot Up

ArcheWild 200s are available to other nurseries and retail sellers at wholesale prices.  Nurseries can pot up our 200 plugs to 50, 32, and eventually gallon sizes.

Many straight native species can be challenging to grow. Let ArcheWild take the risk so you can get straight to selling high quality product. Potting up from a starter plug is faster and more reliable than growing from seeds or cuttings.

Direct Plant

Restoration firms and landscapers needing to cover large areas with specific genetics can rely on 200s for direct planting. Their high root-to-foliage ratio makes them drought resistant (not drought proof) and are best planted between late April and early June. For less than the cost of 2 trays of DP50s, you can cover more surface area with a single tray of 200s.


Want to “test run” a native species? 200s offer the perfect combination of quantity and affordability to allow for effective experimentation. Pot up to larger sizes and see how customers respond to the new offering, or direct plant a test patch to understand how certain species perform under specific conditions before making a larger investment. Get traceable native genetics, hard to find and hard to grow species, all from collected seed in a versatile size. And spend less than half of what you normally would to get it.

trays of PL200 size starter plugs of native grasses and plants

Larger Plugs:  98s, 50s, and 32s

trays of 98-cell size native plant plugs, various species
person holding a large native grass plug inside a nursery greenhouse filled with trays
milkweed plugs


Summer is the perfect time to get PL50’s in the ground. If you’re familiar with our popular PL200s, you will love our 50s. Larger and more established, these are easy to pop in the ground to add native diversity to your landscaping or restoration project.  Each cell has a 2″ diameter and is 2.38″ deep with a total volume of 4.6 cubic inches. Our nursery provides over 70 different species in PL50 size.

Get traceable native genetics, hard to find and hard to grow species, all from collected seed in versatile sizes.  

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