Rain gardens, or biofiltration cells, are designed to collect rain water and allow it to infiltrate the ground to recharge groundwater aquifers.  A rain garden is simply a sunken garden that collects water during rain events.  The conditions within a rain garden vary dramatically; plants typically experience very dry conditions with periodic flooding.  Plant material must be carefully chosen based upon existing site conditions and the created environment.

Installing a rain garden is one way to avoid stream degradation within the watershed and unnecessary costs associated with cleaning water in water treatment facilities.  Rain gardens are strategically located where they can capture the “first flush” of rain, such as near a downspout of a building or adjacent to a parking lot.  It is exceptionally beneficial to place a rain garden near a parking lot or driveway in order to reduce pollution.  Pollution is washed into a rain garden by the first few inches of rain; the polluted water is cleaned as it filters through the layers of soil in the garden.

Rain gardens are instrumental in reducing stormwater runoff during the smaller size, 1/2? – 1? rain storms.  In commercial applications, an overflow system is often present within the garden to deal with excessive rain.

Contact us for recommendations for plant choice and the design of your rain garden.