ArcheWild helps Land Health Institute build a pocket meadow for a Philadelphia City School

ArcheWild helps Land Health Institute build a pocket meadow for a Philadelphia City School

ArcheWild was chosen to supply the plant material for a 3,000 sq. ft. pocket meadow for the John B. Kelly elementary school in Philadelphia. Plant species were specially chosen to perform well in the infertile soils located  in the the front of the school, which included Doellingaria umbellata, Solidago odora, Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, Carex appalachica, Schizacyrium scoparium, and many more.


ArcheWild interns, Will Fernandez and Jodie Spross, helped Land Health Institute complete the planting of over 3000 plugs and trees/shrubs in just 5 hours.  Good job everyone.


Students were intimately involved with planting as well as a dedicated group of local residents.

The pocket meadow is intended to support a broad set of STEM curriculum priorities that the school’s Principal has established.

Land Health Institute secured grant funding and organized the volunteers for the project.