Expertly crafted natural solutions for access, exploration, exclusion, human-use, and wildlife habitat features using only high-quality materials and innovative designs. Elevate your space with our natural construction services.
Work with one dedicated, careful, and precise team to accomplish all of your natural construction needs, both small and large. Whether you’re looking to enhance a small garden with paths and arbors or aiming to build wildlife habitat, our crew can support you from start to finish.
Our team has experience operating small-medium-size equipment, screening and managing subcontractors, and developing and building unique and crafty landscape features.
Competencies include:
Black locust is widely regarded as one of the most rot-resistant lumber species in North America. Here, our installation team used natural black locust posts to protect a high-quality suburban woodland from deer browse.
Our vast network of partners includes vendors throughout the Northeast and Midwest with high-quality material and the best prices on the market.
Black locust can be used for a variety of restoration and landscaping needs including fences, steps, habitat boxes, and landscape features.
Building forest trails seems simple but has many complexities.
Trail stability is the primary design consideration, particularly when traversing grades. Careful attention to topography and grade are essential to managing water flows across and down a trail system. Culverts, pitches, routing, and ditches all play an essential role in protecting trails during large rainfall events.
Routing a trail to connect points of interest, to address “short-cutting”, and to allow easy vehicular access for maintenance and fire, all while protecting mature trees are important design considerations.
The use of stone in the natural landscape lends durability, authenticity, and critical habitat.
Use of natural stone and veneers echoes the landowner’s commitment to the environment while remaining serviceable for normal human activities for decades.
Quality design, planning, and craftsmanship went into creating the series of steps, paths, and patios shown here.
Unitized, drop-in steel and wood bridges are the new norm for stream crossings in natural areas.
Permit-friendly, handsome, and highly durable bridges are designed by our team, assembled remotely, and delivered ready to be installed on hardened foundations. Shoreline restoration after construction follows most bridge installations.
Bridges start at $85k, inclusive of design, permitting, engineering, and installation. Crane and excavator access required.
Protecting and even rebuilding streambanks without engineering devices is challenging. But there are options.
Creative use of stone and high-durability wood products can make a significant difference in protecting soils, improving water quality, and benefitting wildlife without looking unnatural or using unnatural materials.
Stones de-energize water flows, create turbulence, and provide habitat for macro-invertebrates. In-stream logs are firmly anchored and facilitate the resedimentation of banks.
Our team has experience working with natural products to enhance the natural beauty of the site and improve the long-term viability of the feature.
Our restoration team designed and constructed this custom arbor and gate from natural materials to match the surrounding landscape.
Custom design and craftsmanship goes into all of our construction projects.