Homegrown Nature Preserve

Transform your land into a thriving private nature preserve that supports natural beauty, local and regional conservation efforts, and enables you to more thoroughly enjoy your space.

We craft a plan to accomplish your aspirations honoring your unique soil, hydrology, and light characteristics

Restore and/or improve site conditions by eliminating/removing unwanted vegetation and modifying soil profiles.

Build access, hydrology, and function with high-quality material and the expertise to deliver authenticity.

Ecologists, botanists, and field teams collaborate to perform high efficacy planting with locally sourced plants.

Cost-efficient stewardship protects your investment in restoring authentic natural function.

If you have more than one acre to devote to building a nature preserve, we should talk.

Work with ArcheWild’s experienced team of ecologists, botanists, researchers, and restoration practitioners to design and build a nature preserve specifically targeting your goals and site characteristics. Our full-service nursery, design, planning, construction, and implementation capabilities take the hassle out of the process and maintain consistency, communication, and collaboration from beginning to end.

Because we have explored ecosystems across the mid-Atlantic and Northeast, we intimately understand the structural and ecological components that make a nature preserve special and bring those components to your back door.

Supporting natural beauty, function, and authentic ecological services has never been so easy. Know that when working with ArcheWild staff, you are working with practicing ecologists, not landscapers or landscape designers.

With ArcheWild, you get realistic guidance, expert assistance, and the best native plants in the industry. We guarantee that we will know exactly what to do for your property, how to accomplish your goals, and that anything we do will deliver long-lasting, authentic results.

Browse a selection of images from our Homegrown Nature Preserve collection. All work was performed by our teams.

Nature Preserve Portfolio

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Riparian Meadows

Riparian meadows work hand in hand with riparian forest buffers, helping protect soils and providing valuable habitat for insect-eating birds. They also help keep both annual and perennial weeds in check, giving newly planted shrubs and trees a better chance to take root and grow strong.

Be careful to protect against aggressive invasives like reed canary grass and Japanese knotweed.

To get riparian meadows established right, we recommend the three-pass method. For best results, use our three-pass method. And it’s a good idea to consult with an ecologist to guide the way.

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Wet Meadow & Stream Preserve

Living on 15-acres next to an EQ-1 stream in the New Jersey Highlands seemed impossible to the landowner.

Long-term invasive species management, wet meadow restoration, and innovative stream bank protection feature largely in the whole-property transformation. In just five years, the owner now boasts of having over 200 locally genotyped native plant species in several different habitat types, hosting all types of new wildlife.

Property includes walking trails, a deer fence, stream crossings, and wildlife nest boxes.

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Bucks County Preserves

Iconic Bucks County is under threat, but some landowners are taking action by investing in their own nature preserves.

One 80-acre owner is reversing the effects of barberry infestation by installing reforestation nucleation cells. Another is restoring 7-acres with meadow and WildLawn installations. Another is restoring an historic pawpaw and American plum habitat.

But what they all have in common is saying “yes!” to nature by pursuing a path of vital ecosystem recovery on their own and adjacent properties, often by buying them outright. Bigger is better!

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Botanical Preserves

This landowner showed that you don’t need multiple acres to create a meaningful impact. Through creativity and persistence, ArcheWild converted a once sterile landscape into a vibrant community of formal and natural garden spaces for pollinators and beauty.

ArcheWild’s unique understanding of soil structure and large inventory of native species allowed our team to create a wide range of plant communities across the landscape.

To maximize structure and access, conservation efforts, and to protect the investment, the construction team helped install natural deer protection, a permeable driveway, and many other landscape features.

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Nature Preserves

ArcheWild has explored, worked in, and documented meadows, wetlands, shrublands, and forests from West Virginia to New England. We intimately understand the characteristics and conditions that make natural spaces healthy, durable, and enjoyable.

ArcheWild specializes in recreating the natural systems that any site can and would support on their own, if they could.

A major limitation to the rewilding of our communities is a lack of naturally occurring seed sources, or wild plant populations. We know how to choose and then grow the right native plants to rebuild your own nature preserve. Animals will come on their own.