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Grow Native Edibles from ArcheWild Native Nursery

Integrating hardy, edible native plants into your landscape isn’t just good for the wildlife— it’s good for the people, too. Native edibles are an ecologically responsible way to introduce function into the landscape. ArcheWild Native Nursery offers fully accessioned and seed-  plants for nurseries, restoration projects, and landowners. Species like Corylus americana, Vaccinium corymbosum, and Hamamelis virginiana offer even greater function in your landscape with edible and medicinal features. Feed your customers—not just the landscape—with these native edibles.

native edibles

American Hazelnut

Corylus americana, American hazelnut, or American filberts are rhizomatous shrubs that grow up to 10 feet tall, making them a great choice for restoration plantings. They thrive in mesic woodland settings, and can also establish easily in disturbed areas. This species, which is native to Northeast American soils, has a rich history in indigenous cultures. The nuts were known to be used by Native Americans to season and flavor soups. The nuts offer more nutritional value than acorns or beechnuts, and are enjoyed by humans and native fauna alike. Many parts of the plant can also be used for medicinal purposes, such as tinctures and teas made from the bark, offering potential relief from hives and fevers.

Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum, or Highbush blueberry shrubs can grow in moist swamps or sandy hillsides, as long as they receive the necessary soil acidity and sun exposure. Colonies will form readily under the proper conditions, and are a great option for soil stabilization in restoration plantings. The fruits are just as versatile as the plant, and can be baked, smoked, dried, or eaten raw. The berries also provide an important mid-summer snack for local birds and other beneficial animals. The phenolic compounds found in the fruits may also lower the risk of cancers.  

native edibles
native edibles

Witch Hazel

Hamamelis Virginiana, or the commonly known Witch  Hazel is a household name, but what some may not know is that this shrub can grow up to 30 feet. Witch Hazel is an understory species, requiring consistent moisture and fine soils. The shrubs are long-lived, slow growing, and can reproduce easily, making them a fantastic strengthening species for moist woodland landscapes. The uniquely beautiful yellow blooms appear in the fall and can be harvested after peak season, along with twigs and bark, to make extracts and tinctures. Witch Hazel’s uses as topical treatments are well-known, and have been used for thousands of years

Invest in a functional landscape with ArcheWild Native Nursery edible natives. These species, as well as many others, are immediately available for order this fall season, 2021. 

Fall is the perfect season for planting trees and woody species, so don’t wait to place your order. Contact us to learn more about pricing and shipping.